Sanitary Water from Water Wells
By James Kimes
A resident should chlorinate their well once a year. It takes about 6 gallons of liquid bleach poured down the well casing, pumped into all fixtures after bypassing any softener appliance. When the bleach smell is at each fixture allow, to sit 24 hrs. then pump off the chlorine through a garden hose until no smell of bleach, then each fixture the same. Be sure to put softener appliance back in service. Careful doing laundry, cooking, or drinking, for I prefer 72 hrs and plenty water ran between that time! A water test can also be taken for 100% surety!
Feel free to contact me if you need assistance.
About the Author
 | James Kimes, J & C Well Drilling, Pump & Plumbing 1721 Laurel St. Indianapolis, IN 46203 317-416-1104
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